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  • 920007565

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logo We are working in the field of manpower recruitment, a license from the Ministry of Labor (No. 114), we are an integrated administration to manage the human component in the field of manpower recruitment, we offer the best solutions for human resources, we provide highly skilled professionals, always striving to ... More

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<p>نوفر خدمة تأجير العقود للعمالة المنزلية الشهرية ومتوفر لدينا باقات شهريه تناسب الجميع وباسعار منافسة ويمكنكم استلام العامله بشكل فوري وعمل مقابله شخصية مع العاملات عند زيارة مقر الشركة يمكنكم التواصل مع خدمات العملاء على الرقم 920007565&nbsp;</p>


The Broker


Specialise in providing mediation service individuals and business organizations of private companies .as we implement all measures for labor services from all human cadres.


The individuals


We offer you the best human cadres you need in your home, your lounge, or your farm grows in various professional areas which are of interest to the customer (Home Employment - Teacher - Teacher - a driver. Drug - guard farms - and many of these important professions as the Office ...


Who We Are


We are working in the field of manpower recruitment, a license from the Ministry of Labor (No. 114), we are an integrated administration to manage the human component in the field of manpower recruitment, we offer the best solutions for human resources, we provide highly skilled professionals, always striving to ...


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